NetGalley heroes
In the lead up to a novel's publication, the team upload it to NetGalley. I'd never heard of it until I was published. Influencers from librarians to bloggers have access to new books in return for an honest review. It can give a novel a bit of buzz before it comes out, helping with pre-release sales, and provides a selection of reviews on sites like GoodReads on the day the book launches so readers have an idea of what others thought of it.
So, it's nerve-wracking knowing that someone other than your Mum is going to have an opinion on your work, and they'll be telling the world. But when the reviews start trickling in, and they're good, it's a huge relief.
What has impressed me most about NetGalley reviewers is how well they sum up the story, pick out themes and express their insights - all without giving away too much of the plot. Thank you to all those who have taken the time to read Pippo & Clara. Your thoughts and kind words are much appreciated.
